Uniform Neckties For Car Dealerships:

Even though most car dealerships leave it up to their sales people what suit and tie to wear, we have had several dealerships buy neckties from us with the goal to achieve higher customer recognition. Besides customer recognition we were told that car dealerships want to create more unity between their departments. Choosing a uniform necktie will create a more service oriented environment that customers will prefer over the typical “high-pressure sale” image associated with car salesmen. Below we compiled what we have learned about your industry in regards to uniform neckties.
Color Matching Ties:
The neckties have to match and compliment the brand(s) you are representing. If you are focusing on selling fuel efficient hybrids, bright green neckties would be a great way to create an identity of an environmental conscious business. You customers will love and remember you!
Neckties For Men And Matching Scarves For Women:
At Uniform Ties we carry a large assortment of women's scarves. Outfitting your sales personal with matching neckties for the men and matching scarves for the women will create a very service oriented image. In addition, research has shown that employees will follow company initiatives and guideless more when wearing uniform attire.